Non-Destructive Examination

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) is accomplished by technicians  who are ASNT or AWS level I or II certified. We generally use Mi-Glow particles in flouresent red or gold for the best results.

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging (UT) is very easily accomplished underwater with a variety of instruments. We have a Cygnus ultrasonic instrument which provides us with direct thickness readings using the multiple echo method. We also use, exclusively, Krautkramer-Branson products for flaw detection, thickness gauging, and A-Scans. These are recorded within the instrument and down-loaded into NDT software in a laptop computer in the field for processing.

Visual Inspection (VT) while using all of the surface gauges and instruments is carried out by divers and the results can be documented with video cameras as well. We use ASME, AWS, and ASNT standards for the visual inspections. The company has developed a series of forms and inspection formats for use with these methods.

Our company has a Quality Procedure for NDT/NDE under QS-9000 : 2000. We also write procedures for NDE / NDT projects in adverse conditions.