Cathodic Potential SurveysWe can provide raw cathodic potentials in accordance with (NACE) National Association of Corrosion Engineers standards. We use copper-copper sulfate and silver chloride reference cells coupled with a variety of recording devices. We have instruments which log the data in an electronic format, as well as a printer which logs the data in real time as the inspection progresses. Our Close Interval Surveys utilize differential GPS for X-Y location and are coordinated with our electronic data loggers and the software.
A Current Interrupter is used to provide “on” and “off” surveys.
We install the cathodic protection systems which are designed by others. The company has installed over 1 million pounds of anodes on ships, docks, bulkheads, piles, and tanks over the past 25 years.
We have worked with engineers and large corrosion companies to install their systems.
Pipeline CP installations make up 25% of the projects we service. Bulkheads and sea walls compose another 25%, and other structures complete the final 50%.
We use NCCER for our Covered Tasks Evaluations and Assessments, also Veriforce for those customers requiring a Veriforce credential. Our personnel are DOT OQ compliant in the corrosion Covered Tasks, and we can provide OQ reports on them prior to any field project.