
Managing Structure Integrity

We would like to work with your company and demonstrate some proven methods of managing your structures’ integrity.  We will conduct a Structures Inventory and Appraisal to determine what structures will need which levels of surveillance, then present to you our approach to monitoring and reporting changes to integrity baselines.

Where your company may already have a structure integrity program in place, we can help with structures which are difficult to access, are river crossings, or need appraisal and analysis to continue in your program.  Our success with our clients over the past 60 years has been founded on the principle that long-term customers only come back to us when we provide them exactly what they require.  We have written detailed procedures (competition sensitive) on the inspection and location of buried underground pipelines and other structures.

We are willing, and well suited, to work with other Integrity Management firms and since we are mostly interested in the river crossing regions we are compatible with their efforts along long Right-of-Ways.  The company welcomes inquiries from Integrity Management firms for cooperative work.  We will take our portion of the across-water work and coordinate with your surface personnel.  

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