PIPELINE SERVICES – Inspection and Documentation of Conditions
MESCO , Inc., is a pipeline technical service company which conducts inspections of gas and liquids pipelines under 49 CFR Parts 192 and 195 regulations. The company has been safely serving the industry since 1953 and has more than 60 years of safe operations.
Prior to the field work, we review any drawings, prior reports, as-built surveys, Alignment Sheets, and other data. We use a commercial version of Google Earth to reconnoiter the ground at the site. With the archived information from our files or those of the operator, we are able to set up the inspection with safety and technical foundations set to work from.
Inspection on Site
Once our crew is in the field we will set up our differential GPS and RTK surveying instruments to collect the data from both banks of a navigable crossing. We collect data on the X-Y-Z coordinates of the Warning signs, Valves, Test leads, marker posts and any other appurtenance of the line. We use a watercraft to gather the data across the waterway such as top-of-pipe and depth-of-cover, the DGPS location of the data, and elevations of the topography.
We use a Side-scan sonar to map the bottom of the waterway and look particularly for exposure or suspension, debris, and any adverse conditions. We use a second sonar to determine the depth of cover and coordinate this with an electronic locator. The object of the site inspection is to locate the utility and determine if any adverse conditions are present.
Post Inspection
After completing the field work we will post-process the electronic data and field notes to create a comprehensive technical report and produce a drawing in AutoCAD software. All of the data is coordinated so as to create a report of the conditions, as found, of the utility and its surrounding environment. Upon completion of the field work and post-processing, we will provide a drawing and technical report in duplicate for the customer.
For further information contact us at Engineering@mesco-offshore.com